14 August 2009

ditto Gary Larson's quote...

Not 100% yet but he's acting more like himself. He and I wanted to pass on this quote from Gary Larson. It sums up how we feel about any kind of animal fighting.

"I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did, I would like to think of it as filled with people who were cruel to animals." Gary Larson


  1. We're hoping you're feeling better, Buddy Boy. And we second the sentiment about the quote. In our minds it relates to all forms of cruelty to animals.

    Perk up, slow and steady.
    Jake and Fergs

  2. Gary Larson is a very smart man!
    We're sending lots more AireZen your way, Bentley!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. A very good quote! Hope you are feeling better Bentley.

    MOlly, Taffy and Monty

  4. How crummy to get sick during the summer. Hope you're feeling better now, Bentley!
    Sherry, Alanis (Some puppies are enough to make anyone sick at times. Sigh.) & Miro

  5. Sending AIREZEN down for you - Bentley - hope your back to yourself soon!!!


  6. Glad to see you can still find a smile! :) Feel better soon!
