13 July 2009

Hey- it's me. Bentley.

12:45 and she'll be finished with that school stuff for a month...I can't wait. Then we get extra s'klaw (thinks she smart by spelling it backwards and I don't know what she's talking about, hmpf) in the park, more trips to the food place, and more time to play with her in the backyard! WooHoo! I'm so excited. So are my brothers and sister. Now, go take that last final that you use all those funny looking wooden things to write with and hurry home to us.


  1. Hi Bentley

    Hope you have a wonderful month with your hooman. Lots of WALKS and hopefully some "senob"..............we spelt it backwards so your hooman doesn't know what we are talking about!!!

    Molly, Taffy and Monty

  2. ok Bentley! The mama got a "B" in her summer Algebra class! We're going to celebrate because, "Schools out for Summer!"

  3. You deserve the extra attention! Hope she spoils you rotten...
